Wolverhampton BTW

Vienna and the Austrians

Published 1838
Author Trollope, Frances
Illustrator Hervieu, August Jean Jacques
Title Vienna and the Austrians; with Some Account of a Journey through Swabia, Bavaria, the Tyrol, and the Salzbourg. By Frances Trollope, Author of “Paris and the Parisians,”––“The Vicar of Wrexhill,” “Domestic Manners of the Americans,” &c. In Two Volumes.
Publisher’s imprint London: Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street, Publisher in Ordinary to Her Majesty. 1838.
Printer’s colophon London: Printed by Samuel Bentley, Dorset Street, Fleet Street.
Format 12o; 2 vols: pp. xvi. 388(I), xii. 419(II); plates
Sources NSTC 2T18295; Theakstone
Copy inspected Google BSL
  1. T.p. epigraph: [“Je dirai: J’étais là: telle chose m’avint.” La Fontaine.]; from Jean de la Fontaine, Les Fables (1668-78), ‘Les deux pigeons’.

  2. Editions: Paris 1838.

  3. Reviews: Athenaeum 538, 539 (1838); Blackwood's 43 (1838); Monthly Rev. 145 (1838); Spectator 11 (1838); The Times (14 Apr. 1838); Quarterly Rev. 65 (1839-40).

  4. Full text links: Google vol. 1, vol. 2

Genre Narrative letters
BTW record no. BTW1187
Region Austria

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