Wolverhampton BTW

The City of the Magyar, or Hungary and Her Institutions

Published 1840
Author Pardoe, Julia Sophia H.
Title The City of the Magyar, or Hungary and Her Institutions in 1839-40. By Miss Pardoe, Author of “Traits and Traditions of Portugal,” “The City of the Sultan,” “The Beauties of the Bosphorus,” &c. In Three Vols.
Publisher’s imprint London: George Virtue, Ivy Lane. 1840.
Printer’s colophon London: Printed by Joseph Rickerby, Sherbourn Lane.
Format 12o; 3 vols: pp. xi. 322(I), viii. 328(II), x. 431(III); plates
Sources NSTC 2P2993; Robinson; Theakstone
Copy inspected Google BSL
  1. Dedicated ‘To the Dowager Countess of Charleville’ [Catherine Maria Bury, née Dawson, countess of Charleville, 1762-1851].

  2. Reviews: Literary Gaz., no. 1244 (Sat., 21 Nov. 1840): 747-49; Athenaeum (28 Nov. 1840), cont. (5 Dec. 1840); Educational Mag. 2, n.s. (Dec. 1840): 379-82; Monthly Rev. 3.4 (Dec. 1840): 457-71; C. of E. Qtly Rev. 9 (Jan. 1841): 243-48; Eclectic Rev. 9, n.s. (Jan. 1841): 68-84; Westminster Rev. 35.1 (Jan. 1841): 254; Fraser's Mag. 23 (Mar. 1841): 316-27; Metropolitan Mag. 31.121 (May 1841): 10; Gentleman's Mag. 15, n.s. (June 1841): 609-13.

  3. Full text links: Google vol. 1, vol. 2, vol. 3

Genre Narrative
BTW record no. BTW1131
Region Hungary

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