Wolverhampton BTW

Letters Written during a Four Days' Tour in Holland

Published 1834
Author Gunn, Harriet
Editor Turner, Dawson
Title Letters Written during a Four Days' Tour in Holland, in the Summer of 1834.
Publisher’s imprint [Norwich]: Not Published. MD CCC XXXIV [1834].
Format 8o; 1 vol.: pp. vii. 127; plates; illus.
Sources Google NLN; NSTC 2G25306
Copy inspected BL19thC
  1. Edited by her father, to whom the letters are addressed (Halkett & Lang); privately printed, with pen and ink illus (NSTC).

  2. Europeana note: ‘The introduction is signed “Dawson Turner”. Each letter is signed “Your affectionate daughter H.G. [or “H. Gunn”, or “Harriet Gunn”]”. In his introduction Turner stated that he printed “only a very few copies, and those restricted to private circulation” -- p. vii.’.

  3. Full Text Links: Google

Genre Narrative letters
BTW record no. BTW1075
Region Holland

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